Gulliver`s Travels by Swift.10–11-й классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 10, 11

Цели и задачи урока:

  • Учебный аспект:
    • формирование навыков аудирования.
    • формирование навыков говорения (неподготовленное высказывание).
    • формирование навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения.
    • повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка
  • Социокультурный аспект: познакомить учащихся биографией Джонатана Свифта и его произведениями.
  • Развивающий аспект: развивать общий кругозор учащихся и их словарный запас.
  • Воспитательный аспект: стимулировать учащихся к самостоятельной работе; развивать умение работать в коллективе и принимать совместное решение.
  • Учебный аспект: развивать умение читать с извлечением информации из прочитанного текста.

Оформление урока:


  • Магнитофон, проектор.
  • Слайды: портрет Джонатана Свифта, картинки с изображениями из его книг. (Приложение 1)
  • Карточки с заданиями для аудирования, ознакомительного чтения. (Приложение 2)


I. Организационный момент

– Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you here today. How are you? Is everything OK?
Today we are going to tell about Jonathan Swift and his book Gulliver's Travels .You read 
a раssage from it  at home. Do you want to play? Well. Then I ask you to divide into two teams.  Each team should create a name. For each right answer your teams will get a point. The winner will be the team which will have the most points.

II. Brainstorm

– Now answer my questions, please.

1. Who is Jonathan Swift?
2. When and where did he live?
3. What famous books by Jonathan Swift do you know?
4. Have you read any of these books?

III. Формирование навыков аудирования

I  am giving you some cards. Listen to the text and make the tasks in the cards: choose the right variant .

Jonathan Swift is an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist and poet. He was born on the 7th of November 1667 in Dublin.
Swift was the second child in the family. His father had died 7 months before he was born.
His uncle Godwin raised him and sent with one of his cousins to Kilkenny College.
In 1682 he attended Dublin University, receiving his B.A. in 1686.
In 1688 he left for England and worked as secretary and personal assistant of Sir William Temple, an English diplomat. Swift helped Temple to write his memoirs and began writing himself.
In 1692 Swift received his M.A. from Hertford College, Oxford and became a priest* in the Established Church of Ireland. This work was too boring for him and he returned to Temple.
Swift continued to write satiric novels and poems. He created “The Battle of the Books” in 1697
“A Tale of a Tub” in 1704, “The Journal to Stella” during 1710-1714.
In 1713 he became the Deanery of St. Patrick's
During 1720-1724 he wrote Gulliver's Travels and published it in 1726 under pseudonyms Lemuel Gulliver. It was an immediate hit, French, German, and Dutch translations appeared in 1727 and pirated copies were printed in Ireland.
Gulliver's Travels is an anatomy of human nature, where Swift reflected political struggle between the Tories the Whigs in England. Such Swift’s words as lilliput   and yahoo became to be used in many languages.
Swift died on the 19th of October in 1745 in Dublin.
There is a square in Dublin named after him. Dean Swift Square.
Swift is depicted on the Irish ?10 banknote, issued 1976–1993.
There is also a crater on the Moon in honor of Swift. 

*Для слабых учеников выделенные слова можно написать на доске и разобрать.

Let’s check up your answers. Ученики называют свои варианты ответов и получают по одному балу за каждый правильный ответ.

IV. Формирование навыков говорения (неподготовленное высказывание)

The next task is to make a little story about Jonathan Swift’s biography. I’ll give you some time to prepare. These words on the blackboard will help you:

30 November 1667-19 October 1745 (aged 77)
Dublin, Ireland
second child 
Dublin University, receiving his B.A
secretary and personal assistant, Sir William Temple,
1720-1724  Gulliver's Travels
reflect political struggle between the Tories the Whigs in England.
square in Dublin (Dean Swift Square).
crater on the Moon

Ученики рассказывают о биографии Джонатана Свифта. Команда, составившая лучший рассказ получает   один балл.

V. Выполнение заданий по тексту Reader №4 стр21-23

Ученики отвечают на вопросы, которые они подготовили дома и получают по одному балу за каждый правильный ответ.

VI. Формирование навыков поискового и просмотрового чтения

Now I’ll give you the text where some prepositions are missed. You should find these prepositions to complete the text.

1.  Fill in prepositions where it is necessary to complete the text.

I (Gulliver) sent many petitions … my liberty … last His Majesty mentioned the matter … first in the cabinet, and then … a full council.
The emperor signed the articles … which I recovered my liberty. Because ... the reader may perhaps be curious  to have some idea … the style and manner of expression peculiar … that people I have made a translation … the whole document, word … word, as near as I was able. Here I offer the document to the public.
First, The Man-Mountain shall not leave our dominions, … our permission … our great seal (печать).
Secondly, He shall not come into our metropolis (столица), without our order; the inhabitants shall have two hours warning, to keep … their doors.
Thirdly, The said Man-Mountain shall walk only … our principal high roads; and not walk ... or lie … in a meadow, or field of corn.

Keys: for at  in upon of to of for without under within across down

VII. Развитие догадки

Ученики  должны догадаться о ком или о чем из произведения «Приключения Гулливера» идет речь.

I. Guess what or who it is from the novel “Gulliver's Travels”

1. A place where cows walks. 
2. The tallest man in the country.
3. The delight (восторг) and terror of the universe.
4. A document where people ask about something.
5. People who serve a king or under the king.
6. A man helping somebody to fight against enemies.
7. A man caring letters or documents and something else.

Keys: 1.meadow; 2 Gulliver; 3. His Majesty, 4. petition; 5 loving subjects; 6. ally; 7. messenger.

II. Match the words having the same meaning

1.  metropolis –      ……                   a)   main
2.  terror   –    ………….                 b)  steps
3.  principal   –  ……..                      c)  capital
4.  consent    –  ……..                      d)  without   permission
5.  paces   –     …….                        e) do all possible
6. observe all the articles –   …….    f)  agreement
7. do smb’s utmost  –    ……           g)  horror
8. without order …….                      h)  follow the laws

Keys: 1c, 2g, 3a, 4f, 5b, 6h, 7e, 8d.

VIII.  Подведение итогов

Well done. Thank you for your work. Let’s count your points to recognize the winner.
My congratulations.
I think you enjoyed the lesson. Your homework will be to write a letter in Gulliver's own name to one of his friends for example John. What do you think Gulliver would tell him?